Lesson Lesson Innovation Of Unitary Method Mathematics Shape V

Lesson Plan of Unitary Method

Mathematics Grade V

Students’ Learning Outcomes

·         Describe the concept of unitary method
·         Calculate the value of many objects of the same form when the value of ane of these objects is given
·         Calculate the value of a set out of same types of objects when the value of unopen to other of the same type is given(unitary method)

Information for Teacher

In unitary method nosotros honey alongside the following:
·         Finding the cost of to a greater extent than things when cost of ane matter is given
·         Finding the cost of 1 matter if cost of to a greater extent than things is given
·         Finding the cost of given set out of things if the cost of other set out of same things is given
·         During lesson where as well as when necessary also consult text

Material / Resources

Prepare enquiry slips for application of unitary method, chart paper

Worm upwardly activeness

Unitary method considers the example:
·         9 meters of stuff cost PRs 540, what volition go the cost of iv meters?
·         Here cost of ix meters stuff is given. This part of enquiry is called a statement
·         From this, value of 1 meter is to go obtained past times chemical compound partition as well as from this value of 1 meter the cost of iv meters is obtained past times chemical compound multiplication
·         This method inwards which the value of a unit of measurement is get-go institute is called unitary method or method of reduction to the unit
·         Tell the students that unitary method has several uses inwards our daily life similar when nosotros beak well-nigh speed, charge per unit of measurement or percentage, nosotros invariably relate to unitary method
·         Announce that today nosotros volition explore well-nigh unitary method inwards detail


Activity 1

·         Write “unitary method” inwards the middle of the board
·         Img
·         Ask the degree what do they know well-nigh unitary method?
·         Write their responses on board, appreciate closer or right answer
·         In the discussion unitary encircle unit of measurement as well as say that unit of measurement way one
·         If nosotros know the relation of ane unit of measurement value alongside to a greater extent than values nosotros tin notice the relation of whatsoever value alongside whatsoever other numbers
·         Write the enquiry on the board “if 1 dollar is equal to PRs. 102” as well as thence what is the value of 10 dollars?
·         Let them think as well as come upwardly up alongside the reply 84 x 10 = 840
·         Tell them that every bit nosotros got the value of ane dollar nosotros were able to notice the value of 10 dollars
·         Tell the students that inwards the same way if nosotros are given value of certainly objects/things nosotros tin notice the value of other set out or quantity of the same object/thing
·         Tell the students similar a story. I bought thirty bananas as well as paid PRs 150. When I reached domicile my woman nurture asked me to instruct twenty to a greater extent than bananas. How much I would pay for twenty bananas?
Ask students:
·         How many bananas I bought? [30]
·         How much I paid for that ?[150]
·         To pay for twenty bananas what do I demand to know? [Rate or cost of 1 bananas]
·         How would I know the charge per unit of measurement of the bananas ?[by using unitary method]
o   Cost of 1 banana = 150 /30 = PRs 3
o   What is the cost of twenty bananas?  20 x 3 = PRs 60.00
·         Ask students next questions as well as tell them to tell y'all what do they demand to instruct the answer:
o   20 apples cost PRs 130, what volition xv apples cost?
o   Car travels 120 km inwards 8 liters, how much it volition move inwards 10 liters
o   A machine fills 200 bottles inwards five minutes, how many it volition inwards vii minutes?
·         Appreciate the right function as well as encourage students to give to a greater extent than examples of the same kind
·         Select few questions from the textbook exercise as well as give every bit private function to do inwards their notebooks

Activity 2

·         Ask volunteer students to explicate inwards their ain words telling how unitary method is used to solve the next questions:
o   Petrol is PRs lxxx per liter, I got my wheel filled alongside 3 liters, tell how much did I pay?
o   One juice cost PRs 12. You stimulate got five friends alongside you, how much volition pay for five juices?
o   One color marking is of 8 rupees, what volition go the cost of 10 markers?
·         Ask similar type of enquiry to reinforce that it’s slow to notice the value of 2 or to a greater extent than objects when the value of ane object is given
·         After students explicate the questions refer them inwards pairs to the textbook selected questions to solve inwards their notebooks
·         Keep roaming inwards the degree spell students are doing their work, right them if they brand whatsoever mistake

Activity 3

·         Divide the degree into groups of iv or 5
·         Select ane grouping leader as well as assign him/her to explicate unitary method to each of your grouping member. Allocate 97 minutes)
·         Working inwards the same groups, railroad train five questions which tin go solved alongside unitary method
·         Prepare enquiry slips, also inquire them to write their grouping set out at the dorsum of their sheets
·         Collect all slips as well as set them inwards a box to shuffle
·         Prepare unopen to questions yourself every bit good as well as set those inwards the box too
·         Ask each grouping to accept slips according to the members of the group
·         Read the statements as well as position incorrect statements
·         Solve the right questions
·         Paste the slips on a chart newspaper as well as display inwards classroom
·         Turn past times plough telephone telephone groups as well as inquire them to explicate inwards the work
·         Appreciate for right function as well as brand corrections inwards incorrect answers as well as questions

Sum upwardly / Conclusion

·         Lesson volition go concluded past times recapping next points:
o   How to notice unit of measurement cost if cost of to a greater extent than items is given?
o   What volition y'all do if y'all are given the cost of xv items as well as y'all stimulate got to notice the cost of ane item?
o   State the functioning done if y'all are given the cost of xv items as well as y'all stimulate got to notice the cost of eighteen items?
o   What is the role of unitary method inwards daily life?


·         Call iii students on the board as well as give them names of alphabets “A, B as well as C”. tell them to holler upwardly their names
·         Allocate fourth dimension five minutes
·         Attempt next questions according to their alphabet
                                    I.            A manufacturing works life tin brand 36 toy cars inwards half dozen hours. How many tin it brand in:
a)      1 hour?
b)      5 hours?
c)       1 day?
                                  II.            A edifice companionship tin lay 375 brick inwards 3 hours. How many brick tin they lay inwards
a)      1 hour?
b)      5 hours?
c)       12 hours?
                                III.            6 story books cost a full of PRs 480. What is the cost of:
a)      One book
b)      Eight books
c)       Ten books

Follow up

·         Assign do questions from the textbook
·         Ask them to create 2 story problems to go shared inwards the side past times side degree inwards which unitary methods is to go applied

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